Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Here goes...again!

Ok, today is Round 2, Phase 1, Day 1 on the HCG diet.  I've never blogged before so kinda feeling intimidated and awkward here.  I lost 20 lbs the first time I did this same diet with homeopathic drops I got thru affordablehcgdiet.com last year.  Unfortunately, I have gained it all back and I KNOW that it's because I didn't follow protocol and do Phase 3 afterwards.  I was on the diet for over 3 months, from Sept til sometime in Dec, just up and quitting about a week before Christmas.  Immediately after the holidays were over, my family and I were loaded up like the Clampetts, hauling everything plus the kitchen sink (me, my hubby, 3 kids, and our sweet boxer) to Napa, CA from Houston.  We were there for a month, then headed back to TX, but took a few detours along the way, taking about 10 days to get home.  Between sick kids (by sick I mean puking as we're driving down the road, then at my parents' house as well), roads shut down, and getting snowed in in KS at my parents' house for almost a week, it was a NIGHTMARE to say the least.  My grandpa passed away in March, then we spent some time in Colorado March-May (hubby's work).  You can imagine how well I kept the weight off between the holidays and staying in Napa, traveling, etc. 

Anyhow, now that I've listed all the excuses that kept me from eating right, I can say I've learned SO much from this whirlwind these last few months.  First of all, it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to eat right when you're on the road but planning ahead next time will be my only option.  Also, I know I would've lost more had I not cheated as much as I did.  It's so hard to recover when you let yourself slip the first time, each time afterward just gets easier and easier.  Probably the most important thing I've learned is that it's all mental, you have to prepare yourself mentally, everyday, without fail.  Planning and prepping your food ahead of time makes your chances of success everyday so much easier as well- I have to stress that to myself this time over and over because last time, I would slack off, put off prepping, and that's when I'd cave and cheat.  Not like chocolate cake cheat, but eating whatever I made for supper for my family that night because I was too tired to make the right stuff for myself. thinking as long as I kept the calories under 250 or whatever I had left, I'd be fine.  That's when I'd see either a gain or no movement on the scale the next day. 

I guess I gotta run.  I've got a shopping list to make, house to clean, and a 2 yr old who desperately needs my attention right now.  I know I'm supposed to be loading today, but don't have much good stuff in the house.  Oh yeah, as far as my goal this round, I would love to shed 30 lbs overall, but right now I'm hoping for 15-20 by the 26th of June----My 30TH BIRTHDAY.  That may be crazy, because I'll be on day 18 of ph2, but we'll see.  Also, I'm gonna actually take measurements this time- I went from a size 12 to an 8 last time, even when the scale stopped moving as much, my clothes kept getting looser and looser.  I'm also thinking about throwing out all my old clothes so I don't have a choice but to lose the weight and keep it that way- but that would be a bit too extreme right now. (maybe 15 lbs from now lol) 
